Friday, April 26, 2019

The Legacy of Writing (A Seriously Write Blog)

Robin Patchen beat me to it. I was going to write a post that would have been eerily similar to hers, so I’ll refrain from stirring those roiling waters of writing for yourself versus writing for your readers again. (You can read her post here…after you’re finished with mine, of course!)

One part I was going to include in my post on that subject was how your writing will, whether you like it or not, become your legacy. What do I mean by that?

One evening, we visited my oldest daughter and her family. As soon as we walked in, my nine-year old grandson informed me that he had pestered my daughter incessantly until she finally caved in and allowed him to utilize her computer (keep in mind she was in nursing school at this time, and deadlines were approaching). He wanted her laptop so he could “write a book.”

You can read the remainder of the article HERE!

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