Friday, July 26, 2019

The Practical Relevance of Actual Obedience (A Seriously Write Blog)

I am reading a book that was recommended to me by a pastor. It is getting me to think deeply about the “Kingdom of God” and how it is “at hand” and “not yet,” not only generally speaking, but personally, in my life, on a daily basis.

My thoughts on the subject, coupled with a growing, currently six-month-long deep dive into the Sermon on the Mount, have really got me to think and rethink not only my life as a Christian, but also the words I put down on the page as an author.

In the book, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God, author Dallas Willard says this in the introduction:

“More than any other single thing, in any case, the practical irrelevance of actual obedience to Christ accounts for the weakened effect of Christianity in the world today, with its increasing tendency to emphasize political and social action as the primary way to serve God. It also accounts for the practical irrelevance of Christian faith to individual character development and overall personal sanity and well-being” (p. xv).

Although I have not finished reading Willard’s book yet, I’m not sure there is a more succinct paragraph than this one, pertaining to the ills that plague the Church today. And may I say, possibly to those of us who write.

What do I mean exactly?

You can read the remainder of this devotion HERE, @ Seriously Write!

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